Tuesday, November 16, 2010

week 35 - vocab 101

well, last week’s blog got me really thinking about the personality that mesh has become. even so much that my blackberry is a fan…it too recognizes the word mesh automatically when I email/text. sometimes i wonder what people think of us when we use the first two letters of each of our names (meshed together! ha!) as if it was a 3rd business partner…well, I guess that is just what happens after 5 years!

so, tonight’s blog is mesh vocab 101…consisting of commonly used mesh-isms and what they really mean to the public.

let us know if you also have one!...we’d love to hear!

are we meshing tonight? this is a weekly question to confirm that monday night is still ‘on’ for production.

what a mesh! this is the statement melissa’s husband makes when he arrives home and we are in the midst of beading and have destroyed the dining room on a monday night.

do I have the mesh goods? this is the question when i can’t decide whose trunk has what product in it?

we need our mesh. this is what our friends at mia-sorella in barrington say when they are nearly out of mesh goods in their boutique. they have established quite the following for us in the burbs!

this is the ‘me’ in my ‘mesh’. this is how i introduce melissa to friends and family in my life who are well acquainted with mesh…but have never met the other half of the creative process!

today we are meshma. this is what we call ourselves when melissa’s husband is helping us with a task such as photography or carrying large bags down 3 flights of stairs. we add the first 2 letters of his last name onto ours…

mesh delight…well, you know what this is from last week’s blog.

is mesh buying this? before an early morning bead buy, this is what we ask ourselves at the cash register at starbucks when we go to pay for our chai latte and grande bold coffee.


on the table |cookie cards inc. order for the mesh open houses december 4th/5th

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