Monday, December 13, 2010

week 38 - holiday traditions

with the holidays upon us, family traditions are in full effect...there is nothing better than listening to kenny rogers christmas carols with my parents or making the ever so famous mahoney irish creme with my husband's family.

as we all know, it is hard to find dull moment during the holiday season, which is what makes it the perfect time of year to be thankful for what we have surrounding us. it is so easy to get caught up in the logistics of gift buying for a handful of relatives that have everything they would ever need; cooking for a house full of people with different taste buds; or getting your christmas mailers out before you miss the USPS deadlines for delivery.

while this season maximizes potential for the inevitable family drama, it also creates extreme opportunities for memorable moments with the people you so rarely spend an entire day vegging out with. be thankful for all of the sensational gifts, food, and christmas cards you receive; and realize that everyone you have gifted, fed, and mailed to is thankful to have you as a part of their lives.

at the risk of getting too emotional for the monday night mesh blog, just remember to enjoy everything the holiday season brings!


on the table | mesh packages to be shipped all over the country tomorrow!

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