Monday, March 21, 2011

week 51 - late night

after a late sunday night mandarin/english conference call with my shanghai project team; i just got off a monday night call with our latest design partner in hong kong. first, i am very disappointed in myself that i have never learned a second language, beyond my 7 years of spanish that i barely made it through in high school and college... second, it amazes me that someone on the other side of the world can accommodate my lack of motivation/brain capacity to learn a second language, by speaking to me in english. while there is always a slight barrier between our phrases and speech patterns...sometimes more than slight...i can only be thankful that my teammates speaking to me in their second or third laguage have taken the steps to accommodate their counterparts around the world. this makes me want to take up a language...what shall it be?!

aside from this worldly epiphany...mesh had a very productive evening tonight. six new necklaces ready to find a home, and a vacation afternoon scheduled next week for a buying trip! we can't wait to update you on our 2011 finds!


on the table montage delights!

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