Sunday, May 23, 2010

week 9 - inspired by travel

sherry and i have both traveled to amazingly beautiful cities around the world, and we have been determined to bring our favorite aspects of these cities to our mesh creations. you will find trinkets from greece and beads from rome on our one-of-a-kind necklaces. you will also find photos from my honeymoon to barcelona on our collection of graphic t-shirts*. we also have a friend (shout out to richard) that inspires us by taking photos of beadshops and jewelry he finds while wandering around his hometown of london. we are always intrigued with the styles and color trends that can be found in different corners of the world.

*photo taken of a street performer on the streets of barcelona...don't worry, he's wearing a helmet!...find this photo in a graphic format on our travel collection ts.

in every city we visit, we are determined to find more unique items than we found on our last trip. our finds keep us current with trends that are happening all over the world. keep you eyes peeled for our latest and greatest travel inspriations!



  1. Thanks for the shout-out Melissa! you two amaze me with everything you've done with Mesh!! massively proud to call you both friends... you know what, Bella (our princess of a cat) needs a new collar! new Mesh pet line? think about it. R x

  2. Richard- We'll be on the look out for special Bella beads then! - sherry
